Study of marketing strategy

Here we review your goal for the campaign, and we present to you the best marketing plan that will reach the goal and we approve it with you

Building pages and ads

After approving the marketing plan, we begin preparing the campaign: designing pages - designing advertisements. Other campaign needs

Review the campaign and obtain approval

Here we show you the campaign and you give us your feedback, edit the feedback and communicate The campaign is in final form

Lifting and launching

Here we begin implementing the plan, the campaign is uploaded, and the testing period for ads begins)

Escalation and expansion

After the probationary period ends and the performance is completed Advertisements in the desired form begin to be uploaded Budget in a professional manner and increase sales daily gradually

Submitting reports and direct improvement of the campaign.

Here we monitor the campaign and give you weekly reports on it, and we renew the ads with marketing messages that have proven their success and impact. On your potential customers